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Guidelines for Academic Standing for Matriculated Undergraduate Students

Persons Affected



To be eligible for graduation, a Farmingdale undergraduate student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. To advance satisfactorily toward graduation, students are advised to remain in “good academic standing” which is defined in the following:

GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING – A student is in satisfactory academic standing when above the level for probation according to the College’s guidelines.

ACADEMIC PROBATION - The purpose of academic probation is to alert the student and the institution to problems associated with the student’s academic performance and to recommend or implement strategies for improvement. According to College policy, students who fail to obtain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in any particular semester will automatically be placed on academic probation which is a warning that their good academic standing is in jeopardy. However, your major may have higher standards to continue in that major. Students placed on academic probation are permitted to continue with their studies at Farmingdale, but are expected to meet with faculty advisors and to seek tutoring and further assistance.

ACADEMIC SUSPENSION – Students who are on academic probation twice in succession (two semesters with a GPA below 2.0, not including summer or winter intersession) are subject to suspension. A student who has been suspended for poor academic performance is not permitted to enroll at the College in any coursework for one academic semester (fall or spring) from the date of suspension.

FRESHMAN FORGIVENESS – First-year, first-semester undergraduate freshman students with a GPA below 2.0 will be put on Academic Warning for the following semester. A “hold” will be placed on their registration until an Action Plan for success is appropriately executed with the College. Once filed, the hold will be released and students are expected to abide by the academic success plans and goals as outlined in their Action Plan. Thereafter, freshman students will follow the academic probation/suspension policies outlined above.

APPEAL OF ACADEMIC SUSPENSION – Any student who has been suspended for academic reasons may appeal that decision by submitting a petition, in writing, to the appropriate academic chair requesting a review of the decision. The appeal should include supporting evidence such as medical explanations and changes in grades that might justify a reversal of academic suspension.

ACADEMIC REINSTATEMENT FOLLOWING SUSPENSION – Academic reinstatement refers to the process by which a student is granted permission to return to Farmingdale State College following an absence of one or more semesters due to suspension for reason of poor academic performance. A student seeking reinstatement should petition the academic chair, in writing, requesting permission to return. Supporting evidence, such as successful completion of coursework at another institution while on suspension from Farmingdale State College, must be submitted in writing with the petition. The reinstatement permits the student to resume matriculated status in the same department for the semester immediately following the one during which he/she was suspended.

ACADEMIC READMISSION – Academic readmission refers to the process by which a matriculated student seeks permission to return to Farmingdale State College after an absence of two or more academic semesters. There are two different processes (refer to the College Catalog for details). Students who have discontinued their attendance for less than five years and wish to apply for readmission to complete their degree are advised to meet with the appropriate chair to discuss their intentions and evaluate their academic record. Students who withdrew in poor standing or who were academically suspended will be expected to present evidence that they are capable of improved academic performance upon return. For further information and an application for academic readmission, call the Registrar’s Office at 934-420-2776 or email Regoffice@Farmingdale.edu. For students who have discontinued their attendance for five or more years and wish to apply for readmission to complete their degree, they must file a SUNY application as a “TRANSFER” student and list Farmingdale State College (95) as a prior college. Please refer these students to the Admissions Office at 934-420-2200 for further information.

Policies for Academic Standing for Non-Matriculated (non-degree) Undergraduate Students

  1. First-time students, or students with prior academic credit who are in good academic standing, may take a maximum of 5 courses (including associated labs) for a maximum of 16 credits per semester (fall/spring). Students seeking to take more than 16 credits must meet with the Academic Advisor for Non-Matriculated students located in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC) and apply for permission to do so.
  2. Good Academic Standing - students are in good academic standing when their GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  3. Academic Probation - students who fail to obtain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in any particular semester will automatically be placed on academic probation.
  4. Academic Suspension – students who fall below a 2.0 for two semesters in succession (not including summer, or winter intersession) are subject to suspension. Students who have been suspended for poor academic performance are not permitted to enroll at the College in any coursework for one academic semester (fall or spring) from the date of suspension.
  5. Appeal of Academic Suspension – Any student who has been suspended for academic reasons may appeal that decision by submitting a petition, in writing, requesting a review of the evidence. The appeal should include supporting evidence such as medical evidence or changes in grades that might justify a reversal of academic suspension. To initiate this appeal, the student should first meet with the Non-Matriculated Student Academic Advisor. Review and final decision of an appeal will be made by the Provost’s Office.
  6. Non-Matriculated students may earn a maximum of 32 credits, after which they must seek admission to a program or request permission from the Non-Matriculated Student Academic Advisor to remain as a non-matriculated student. Failure to do so will prevent the student from registering for further courses.
  7. Non-Matriculated students who wish to continue taking courses with non-matriculated status after their initial term at Farmingdale are required to submit official high school and/or college transcripts to the Admissions Office in order to maintain registration privileges for future semesters.
Graduate Students
  1. Non-Matriculated graduate students are limited to 2 courses for a maximum of 6 credits per semester.
  2. Good Academic Standing - Non-Matriculated graduate students are in good academic standing when their GPA (grade point average) is 3.0 or higher.
  3. Academic Probation - Non-Matriculated graduate students who fail to obtain a minimum GPA (grade point average) of 3.0 in any particular fall or spring semester will be automatically placed on academic probation. Such students are permitted to continue their studies at Farmingdale but are encouraged to meet with the Graduate Program Coordinator for guidance and assistance in improving their academic performance.
  4. Academic Suspension - Non-Matriculated students who fall below a 3.0 for two semesters in succession (not including summer or winter intersession) are subject to suspension. Students who have been suspended for poor academic performance are not permitted to enroll at the College in any coursework for one academic semester (fall or spring) from the date of suspension.
  5. Appeal of Academic Suspension - Any student who has been suspended for academic reasons may appeal that decision by submitting a petition, in writing, requesting a review of the evidence. The appeal should include supporting evidence such as medical explanations or changes in grades that might justify a reversal of academic suspension. After the required period has passed, Non-Matriculated graduate students who have been suspended must appeal for re-admission by meeting first with the Graduate Program Coordinator.
  6. The maximum number of credits a Non-Matriculated graduate student may take at Farmingdale is 6 credits. After accumulating 6 credits, the Non-Matriculated graduate student must discuss the advisability of completing a degree at Farmingdale with the Graduate Program Coordinator. Any student seeking to continue beyond 6 credits with Non-Matriculated graduate student status must petition the Provost’s Office for permission to do so.

Responsible Office

Office of Provost


Last Modified 10/14/24