
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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Tobacco Use Policy

Persons Affected

Faculty, Staff, Students, Third-Parties

Policy Statement

Farmingdale State College is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable, and safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors and is implementing a policy of tobacco usage strictly in designated areas.

Farmingdale State College supports an environment where students, employees, and visitors can avoid exposure to second hand smoke and other forms of tobacco usage. Tobacco usage will only be permitted in designated areas that are clearly identified by signage as allowing tobacco usage.

Therefore, tobacco use is prohibited on campus run property including but not limited to:
  • All campus owned buildings, classrooms, lecture halls, residence halls, laboratories, offices, work areas, study areas, reception areas, meeting rooms, lobbies, hallways, stairwells, elevators, eating areas, lounges, and restrooms.
  • All fields, athletic facilities, outdoor paths, building entrances, walkways, bus stops, and loading docks.
  • All vehicles owned and leased by Farmingdale State College.
Designated Areas for Tobacco Use
  • Tobacco use is permitted in personal vehicles located in the perimeter parking lots.
  • Tobacco use is also permitted at three locations across the campus. These locations are the gazebo adjacent to Orchard Hall, the smoking shelter between the Business School and Knapp Hall, and the smoking shelter between Lupton Hall and Greenley Library. Tobacco use is only permitted in the immediate vicinity of these locations. The locations will have clear signage identifying the area as a designated tobacco usage area.
Meaningful and effective implementation of this policy requires the cooperation and compliance of all members of the Farmingdale State College community.

Farmingdale State College will begin an advertising campaign to inform the campus community of the new policy leading into, and continuing through the Spring 2018 Semester. The policy will go into effect for the Fall 2018 Semester.

  • Ash receptacles will be removed from their current locations and moved to the designated areas.
  • New “Tobacco Use Only in Designated Areas” signage will be placed at various locations on campus.
  • The campus map will be updated to indicate locations where tobacco use will be permitted.

Students should contact the Health and Wellness Center at 934-420-2009 who will provide tobacco cessation treatment options to them. Employees should contact the EAP office at 934-420-2644 for referrals for smoking cessation programs.


Farmingdale State College will begin an advertising campaign to inform the campus community of the new policy leading into, and continuing through the Spring 2018 Semester. The policy will go into effect for the Fall 2018 Semester.

  • Ash receptacles will be removed from their current locations and moved to the designated areas.
  • New “Tobacco Use Only in Designated Areas” signage will be placed at various locations on campus.
  • The campus map will be updated to indicate locations where tobacco use will be permitted.

Farmingdale State College understands the addictive nature of tobacco usage and wants to be of assistance for any member of the community who wishes to quit tobacco usage. Students should contact the Health and Wellness Center at 934-420-2009 who will provide tobacco cessation treatment options to them. Employees should contact the EAP office at 934-420-2644 for referrals for smoking cessation programs.


Tobacco use is defined as the usage of tobacco in any form including but not limited to:

  • Cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, pipes, water pipes, bongs, vaporizers, and hookahs.

Policy History

Effective Date: Fall 2018


Last Modified 3/6/25