
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

Please direct all questions regarding policy content to the Responsible Office listed on the respective policy.

If you wish to propose or amend an institutional policy, please review the Policy for Developing Institutional Policies and complete the Policy Proposal Form.

For assistance with drafting and amending policies, please refer to the Policy Writing Guidance and/or contact the Risk and Compliance Office at 934-420-5365.

Plagiarism Detection and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Persons Affected

Faculty, Students

Policy Statement

Farmingdale State College has a license agreement with SafeAssign, online services that can be used to detect and prevent plagiarism in student assignments. As student papers are academic records that may include personally identifiable information, they are protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The following guidelines have been prepared in order to assist faculty with using SafeAssign in a manner that is compliant with FERPA regulations.

Faculty should NOT submit papers to SafeAssign on behalf of students.

Faculty who would like to require students to submit their papers to SafeAssign will include the following notice on their syllabus:

Sample Syllabus Notice for SafeAssign: Students are required to submit written assignments for this class to SafeAssign, a web-based plagiarism detection service that is not affiliated with Farmingdale State College. Before submitting your paper to SafeAssign, it is recommended that you remove your title page and other personally identifiable information as all submitted papers will be included as source documents in the SafeAssign.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.

Responsible Office

Office of the Provost


Last Modified 3/6/25