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Campus Policy for Credit‐By‐Evaluation

Policy Purpose

As part of the State University of New York, Farmingdale State College abides by the Award of Academic Credit by Evaluation Policy (Document number 1300). The policy regulates the award of credit by examination and other types of evaluation within the State University of New York (University).

Persons Affected

Faculty, Staff, Students

Policy Statement

I. Standardized Testing Published
Examinations ‐ For purposes of providing minimum university‐wide guarantees to all University students, students may apply at least 30 credit hours earned through published subject examinations, including those offered as transfer credit, toward fulfillment of degree requirements at any University campus where they are enrolled. Campuses will not be expected to count credit hours toward fulfillment of degree requirements in areas that would normally not receive credit during an evaluation of transfer credits. The preceding guarantee of credit for published examinations applies to the following test series, provided the minimum performance levels are met:

a. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
b. College Proficiency Examination Program (CPEP)
c. Defense Activity for Non‐Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
d. Advanced Placement Program

More information about these programs and their applicability to the programs at the College can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

II. Credit‐by‐Evaluation
At the discretion of individual departments, matriculated students who are enrolled at the College may apply for and be granted a maximum of 18 credits through Credit‐by‐Evaluation. A fee of $40 per credit will be charged for each examination and is subject to change without prior notice. Credit may be granted for coursework where the individual has gained knowledge and mastery of the subject matter through life experience or study at non‐accredited institutions. The student will be required to verify his/her level of achievement in the comparable course to a member of the Department in which the 2 | Page course is housed. Faculty may arrange written, oral or performance exercises to establish competency, and the appropriate number of credit hours which will be awarded for satisfactory performance. Credits gained by means of credit‐by‐evaluation shall be considered full college credits and need not be made up by other courses. However, no Achievement points shall be awarded for credits gained through evaluation. Farmingdale students are not eligible to receive credit through credit‐by‐evaluation when they are enrolled in or have completed a higher‐level course within the same discipline. The College is not required to give credit in subject matter that could not normally be transferred from other institutions, nor shall credit be excluded from transfer because it was obtained through the evaluation method rather than formal course enrollment. Credit‐By‐Evaluation is not applicable to internship courses. For credit earned through evaluation, exclusive of published examinations, the methods of evaluation shall be determined by the faculty assigned responsibility for awarding credit, or by outside consultants whose competencies have been reviewed by procedures parallel to those employed by the college for adjunct faculty.

III. Residency Requirement
Candidates for an associate degree and baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of thirty (30) semester credits at the college. The thirty (30) credit minimum will consist of the final degree credits. Candidates for a baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of fifteen (15) upper‐division semester credits. Any exceptions to the final degree credit requirement or fifteen credit upper division requirements are at the discretion of the program chair. Credits earned through approved study abroad or exchange programs may count toward satisfaction of the residency requirements. However, credits earned through advanced standing (e.g., credit by evaluation, advanced placement, etc.) do not fulfill the minimum residency requirements


I. Student Evaluation Procedures
The College Registrar’s Office or the Chair of the Department will provide the Application for Advanced Standing via Credit‐by‐Evaluation form to a student requesting this process. If the department agrees to supervise the exam and the request is approved, the student proceeds to the Student Accounts Office with the form (who retains a copy), the student pays the appropriate fee to that office, and the student brings the remaining copies of the form (with the noted receipt of payment) to the evaluator when s/he commences the evaluation process. The Chair of the Department, after the faculty evaluator or consultant has completed the review and entered the grade report information on the Credit‐By‐Evaluation form, will send the white original of the form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. 3 | Page Although the evaluation of a student’s achievement may occur at any time, the student must have a record of progress toward an educational objective at the institution awarding credit prior to placement of credit on a transcript.

II. Faculty/Consultant Compensation Procedures
Faculty who perform credit‐by‐evaluation by means of a written, oral or performance examination within their discipline cannot be compensated during the course of their normal professional obligation in the fall and spring semesters. Compensation may, however, be requested during the extra service periods of intersession and summer sessions. Faculty, or consultants, who perform credit‐by‐evaluation by means of a written, oral or performance examination outside of their discipline shall be compensated as extra service. It is understood that only face‐to‐face student contact and evaluation is valid for remuneration; a review of credentials and/or life experience without examination is considered a function of the academic department in accordance with established procedures and does not warrant extra compensation. To make remuneration to a current employee for valid credit‐by‐evaluations, the following forms are to be completed: Payroll Voucher; UP‐8 Extra Service form signed by the respective supervisor; copy of the processed Credit‐By‐Evaluation Form. These forms are to be sent to the Provost’s Office upon completion. If the consultant is not a current employee, contact the Provost’s Office for the necessary forms.

Based on the financial circumstances of the student, a waiver of testing fees may be authorized by the President. Operating within the principle that the credit‐by‐evaluation program must be self‐ supporting, requests for waivers will be considered only in extenuating circumstances. Requests for waivers should be made in writing by the student to the Provost’s Office who will in turn correspond with the President’s Office.

In the event that a student would like to challenge the evaluation of credits through this process, a formal letter of appeal should be sent to the Dean of the School who has oversight of the department in which the evaluation was administered. The decision of the Dean becomes the final decision on the appeal. All appeals should include the student’s name, Ram ID #, and a clear explanation as to why the student believes the initial response was inappropriate. Any information or evidence provided to justify that the credit should be awarded would assist in the appeal process.

Responsible Office

Office of the Provost

Policy History

Effective Date: June 4, 2015
Updated September 1, 2017


Last Modified 1/28/25