High school students in a classroom.

UHS Instructors

All partner high schools have signed Partnership Agreements with Farmingdale State College, outlining the terms of agreement, responsibilities of stakeholders, courses offered, and program fees. To establish a partnership or expand a partnership the following steps must occur: 

  • The high school primary contact must submit a Request to Partner with Farmingdale for UHS letter of intent (LOI), specifying which course(s) the high school seeks to offer through UHS, along with resumes of the instructor(s) who will teach the course(s). The deadline to submit for courses that will run 2025-26 is November 15, 2024. Resumes must show that the instructors meet the minimum qualifications, which are consistent with on-campus adjunct faculty. See below for a list of the required minimum credentials by department. 
  • In accordance with SUNY policy, FSC must coordinate with the appropriate area community college with regard to course offerings. 
  • Once FSC receives a response from the area community college, the high school will be notified about course/instructor approvals. 
  • All instructors must be onboarded by attending course-specific training with FSC faculty, and administrative orientation with UHS staff. 
  • The UHS Office will send Partnership Agreement(s) to the high school for signatures, inclusive of the new courses. 

UHS Instructor Minimum Credentials 

Grading Conversion Chart 

Instructors & high school contacts will be sent grading information on how to login to OASIS and grade their students.

College Grading System - Achievement Points

The following is the official College grading system: 
Minimum Grade 

To determine the cumulative grade point average, multiply the achievement point value of each grade by the credits designated for each subject, then divide the total achievement points by the number of credits carried.

Only grades earned in the college are considered in the computation of averages for all students. A student must attain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in order to qualify for graduation. If at the end of any semester a student is deficient in achievement points or deficient in a major course (see specific program requirements), the student may be placed on probation or considered for dismissal, depending on the extent of the deficiency. On recommendation of the Department Chair, a student may be required to carry a reduced schedule.

Grade Differences:

It is possible for the high school grade and the UHS grade to differ. UHS grades must follow the standards of the FSC academic department offering the credit. For example, the UHS grade may reflect how the FSC academic department weighs the mid-term and final exams, papers, or projects as a percentage of a student’s overall course grade. If there are circumstances that warrant two different grades, the high school grade should appear on the high school transcript and the UHS grade should be entered into the FSC system. The UHS grade will appear on the students’ official FSC transcript. High school transcripts must have the concurrent enrollment class listed.

*All grades earned will be included on the student’s Farmingdale State College transcript* 

Submitting Grades 

UHS instructors must enter final grades through the online OASIS system. Only the instructor assigned to the specific section has the authority to enter grades for that section. Every student on the roster must receive a grade. It is the UHS instructor’s responsibility to enter final grades for each student as per the directions given. Students will not be able to send transcripts to their college for transfer credit evaluation until final grades are submitted. 

How to Enter Final Grades

1. Go to oasis.farmingdale.edu
2. Enter your Social Security number and your PIN. 

  •  If you have never logged in your PIN is your date of birth in MMDDYY format. 
  • If you have used the system and have changed your PIN, enter that PIN and click the Login Button. 
    *If you have problems with your Login and PIN, contact the Registrar’s Office at 934-420-2776.* 

3. Click on the “Faculty Services” tab. 
4. Scroll down and click “Final Grades.” 
5. Select the term and click “submit.” The CRN for your first course section will appear. The CRN field displays the total number of students registered in that section and the total number of students to be graded. 
6. Select one section and work with one section at a time. 
7. Next to each name there is a grade block. Click on the arrow and a drop menu will appear with grade choices. Every student must receive a grade.

Grade Changes 

If a grading error should occur, the Official Grade Change form should be used to make a change in the student’s records. Official Grade Change forms are available from the UHS Office. Instructors cannot change grades through the online OASIS system once a grade has been posted for a student. 

Outstanding Grades

If you have outstanding grades from prior semesters, you will need to complete Change of Grade Forms. Please contact the office for more information. 

UHS Instructor Role & Responsibilities 

  • Attend a mandatory UHS New Instructor Administrative Orientation with UHS Office staff
  • Attend a mandatory New Instructor Course Training hosted by FSC faculty liaisons
  • Attend one annual discipline-specific professional development (PD) event
  • Follow the syllabus as approved by the FSC academic department, including: learning outcomes, content and rigor requirements, grading/assessment criteria, etc.
  • Review the syllabus, including course requirements, with students 
  • Coordinate with faculty liaisons to schedule and participate in site visits 
  • Provide faculty liaisons with course-related materials at their request, including: syllabi, assessment instruments (tests/quizzes), examples of graded student work, etc. 
  • Create and foster a collegiate learning environment in the classroom, and distribute and review the UHS Instructor Handbook 7 
    Student Handbook and other UHS-provided advisement materials to/with students
  • Distribute registration information and links upon receipt 
  • Confirm course roster(s) and respond to UHS Office by the deadline
  • Communicate as soon as possible when students leave the course
  • Submit grades through the online system by the deadline
  • Share End-of-Term course evaluation survey links and reminders with students 
  • Read and respond, when appropriate, to communications from the UHS Office in a timely fashion

Faculty Liaisons 

UHS is proud to have FSC faculty, known as UHS faculty liaisons, who are committed to working with UHS instructors to provide academic support. Faculty liaisons are appointed by their academic department to oversee UHS courses. They are subject experts in the disciplines they oversee. Liaisons are responsible for ensuring that UHS course content, assessments, and expectations are of comparable quality to FSC on-campus courses. Faculty liaisons offer training and annual professional development, and conduct site visits. Liaisons may also be available to guest lecture. 

Faculty liaisons collect information for review, provide resources as needed, and communicate directly with instructors. Liaisons may review instructor credentials and curricula with the assistance of their department chair. Liaisons will work with their academic department to coordinate assessment activities. Liaisons report back to both their academic department and the UHS Office, and provide the UHS Office with any materials/ syllabi/ feedback gathered as a result of trainings, professional development, and site visits. 

Site Visits 

Faculty liaisons will conduct site visits to connect with UHS instructors, and observe course content and student discourse and rapport. Site visits ensure that UHS courses are equivalent to FSC on-campus courses. New, first-year UHS instructors are visited in their first semester of teaching. The UHS Office tracks all UHS course sections, and collaborates very closely with FSC academic chairs to administer faculty liaison site visit assignments. In instances when a new, first-year instructor cannot or is not visited in their first semester, the UHS Office works closely with the faculty liaison and high school to identify and coordinate a day/time for a visit as soon as possible. 

UHS operates on a 5-year site visitation schedule. Every UHS instructor will be visited at least once (for each course they teach) every five years. Faculty liaisons complete a site visit form for every course section they visit. Faculty liaisons may request a recent copy of the syllabus before scheduling a site visit. Liaisons are assigned UHS sections by their academic department and based on their area of expertise, and are responsible for ensuring that the FSC department curriculum is being taught. Liaisons are available to instructors for help in regards to syllabi, textbooks/materials, and course content/delivery. 

Syllabi & Textbooks

All UHS courses offered through UHS are FSC cataloged courses with the same departmental designations, course descriptions, numbers, titles, and credits. Course requirements and curriculum for a UHS course is the same as curriculum for the course taught on the FSC campus. Instructor qualifications, syllabi, assignments, textbooks, exams and grading requirements are also equivalent. UHS instructors work with faculty liaisons to ensure syllabus alignment, and adoption of appropriate textbooks and materials. 


Students will be asked to complete “End-of-Term” course evaluations via a link at the end of the semester. The UHS Office will provide UHS Primary Contacts with the link to share with instructors/students. Results of course evaluations are only shared with UHS instructors, not anyone else. This is consistent with on-campus practice. FSC assesses its performance across all areas of the institution, both academic and non-academic, and uses the results for the purposes of accountability, resource allocation, and improvement. As such, the UHS Office conducts and reports regular and ongoing evaluations of the UHS Program effectiveness and uses the results for continuous improvement. The UHS Office may periodically send surveys or invitations to participate in research to UHS instructors and administrators to determine those partners’ perspectives and help inform and guide program improvement. 

High School Guidance Counselors

FSC helps bridge the gap between high school and college-level study. By providing the UHS program to high school students, we allow students to take college-level coursework while attending high school. 

Below you’ll find the benefits of the University in the High School Program and information on how to enroll. We ask that you take the time to review and share this information with your students, as we recommend they discuss the UHS Program with family members, teachers and guidance counselors. Students should also review the UHS Student Handbook 2023-24, and contact our office if they have any questions or concerns - UHSoffice@farmingdale.edu  

university in the high school




Laura McMullin, PhD
Executive Director


Francine Federman, PhD
Assistant Dean


Ryan Mannix
Assistant Director of Operations


V. Patty McCormick
Program Coordinator


Michele Holden
Administrative Staff Assistant II 


Jennifer Dalton Singh
Support Specialist


Navin Johnson
Senior Staff Assistant

Last Modified 9/18/24