Student Honor Societies

Honor Societies

Farmingdale State College strives to foster intellectual growth, ethical maturity, civic responsibility, and professionalism in specific disciplines. National honor societies at Farmingdale play a vital role in advancing these goals. All national honor societies recognize academic excellence, promote scholarship, and enrich the undergraduate educational experience. Members benefit from fellowship between students, faculty, and active professionals. Honor societies are keys that open doors to graduate school, career opportunities, and professional development. Membership in an honor society bestows honor, recognition, and lifetime distinction. Honor societies keep members informed of changing developments in their field through meetings and publications. Finally, members may be eligible for scholarships offered by national honor societies that support undergraduate education, special activities, and graduate school education.

Students are encouraged to strive to meet the eligibility requirements of the appropriate honor societies listed below. For further information, please contact the society’s faculty advisor.

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma is the only National Criminal Justice Honor Society for Criminal Justice majors. The society recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate students of criminal justice, as well as juris doctorate students. Students at Farmingdale must have declared the Criminal Justice bachelor program as their major, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.2, and a minimum criminal justice grade point average of 3.2. Additionally, students must have completed at least 36 credits, and of those, 16 credits would be criminal justice courses. Students must be within the top 35% of their class.

Advisor: Dr Tino Posillico

National Link:

Chi Alpha Epsilon

Chi Alpha Epsilon is a national honor society dedicated to recognizing the academic achievements of students admitted to colleges and universities through non-traditional criteria. Its purpose is to promote continued high academic standards, foster increased communication among members, and honor the academic excellence of those students admitted to college via developmental programs. Gamma Eta is the local chapter chartered at Farmingdale State College on December 6, 2001. 

To be eligible for membership consideration, students must hold a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for two (2) consecutive, full-time semesters, and have been admitted to Farmingdale State College through the Educational Opportunity Program. (Eligible alumni who have graduated with a 3.0 or better cumulative grade point average prior to the formation of a campus chapter may also be considered for alumni membership.)

Application forms may be obtained from the Educational Opportunity Program office.

Advisors: Dr. Alicia Lawson Cesar and Ms. Monique Ramos.

Chi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing

The Chi Gamma chapter of STTI at Farmingdale State College supports the mission and vision of the parent organization to celebrate nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. The Chi Gamma chapter works to develop a community of nurses dedicated to making a difference in health locally, through regional activity, and global networking.

Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and service. Students enrolled in the baccalaureate program who have completed one-half of the nursing curriculum and are within the upper 35% of their class are eligible. Students need faculty recommendation to complete the application.

In addition, nurse leaders outside the Farmingdale community who have earned at least a baccalaureate degree are eligible for membership in the Chi Gamma chapter.

Application forms are available in the Nursing Department Office.

President-Elect: Dr. Maria Nikolaidou
Vice President: Christine Glaser
Treasurer: Elizabeth Colgan
Faculty Counselors: Dr. Joanne Lapidus-Graham and Dr. Sherry Manansingh

National link:

Epsilon Pi Tau

An international honor society for professions in technology, Epsilon Pi Tau recognizes academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions. In addition to a recognition program that extends through members’ careers and beyond, Epsilon Pi Tau continually seeks to serve, support, and strengthen the technology professions through publications, conferences, thought leadership, and alliances with corporations, professional associations, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. 

To be eligible for consideration, students must meet criteria as established by the honor society.

Applications for membership will be mailed to eligible students, which is sponsored by the Dean’s Office, School of Engineering Technology.

Advisor: Dr. Khosro Shirvani

National link:

Golden Key

Golden Key is a mission-focused, values-based and demographics-driven organization. With 30 years of rich tradition, Golden Key remains committed to scholarship, career development, leadership and service. Our mission defines who we are; our core values provide us guidance in executing our activities; and our history reminds us that nearly two million members are counting on us to shape the future through our strategic planning process. To be eligible for consideration, students must meet criteria as established by the honor society. Information may be obtained at

Applications will be mailed to eligible students.

Advisors: Dr. Aida Sy and Michelle Johnson 

National link:

FSC Chapter link

Omicron Delta Epsilon

Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE) is an International Honor Society in Economics. Its objectives are: (1) to confer distinction for high scholastic achievement in economics; (2) to stimulate and promote student interest in all aspects of economics; (3) to publish an official journal to be entitled “The American Economist”; and (4) to sponsor the Fisher-Taussig Award Competitions. Membership is open to students who satisfy the following criteria: (1) in residence at least one semester, with a major or minor in economics; (2) twelve semester (term) hours of economics, and (3) an average of B or better, and a class standing in the upper one-third.

Application forms are available at the Department of Economics.

Advisors: Dr. Abeba Mussa and Dr. Cristian Sepulveda

National link:

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta is the National History Honor Society that recognizes academic distinction for students interested in the field of history. Less than 1% of students attending the college qualify for membership in this society. The mission of Phi Alpha Theta is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas. We bring students and faculty together for intellectual and social exchanges that promote research, presentations and publications by our members in a variety of ways. The faculty officer will invite students who have a GPA of 3.0 overall and have completed four history courses with a GPA of 3.1 to join Alpha-Omicron-Iota, the Farmingdale chapter of Phi Alpha Theta.

Application forms are available at the Department of History, Politics and Geography.

Advisor: Dr. Timothy Nicholson

National link:

Phi Theta Kappa

One of the highest honors a Farmingdale student may receive is election to Phi Theta Kappa, the National Two-Year Honorary Society. Mu Omega is the local Farmingdale chapter.

To be eligible for consideration, students must be matriculated in an associate degree program, have completed a minimum of 16 credits, and have achieved a minimum cumulative average of 3.5. Students will not be accepted for membership after they have completed degree requirements.

Advisors: Mrs. Samantha Dardani and Dr. John Gross

National Link:

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. Psi Chi is the oldest surviving student organization in psychology. Psi Chi sponsors student paper readings at regional and national meetings; presents programs at regional and national meetings; presents graduate, undergraduate, chapter, and faculty awards; and publishes a quarterly newsletter. Each year, through its local chapters, Psi Chi is responsible for hundreds of other academic activities, social functions, and acts of community service among its student members. The Farmingdale Chapter was established in 2011. To become a member of Psi Chi students must be a registered in a Psychology program; have second-semester, sophomore status; have completed 9 semester hours in Psychology; have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be ranked in the top 35% of their overall class.

Applications can be obtained in the Psychology Department.

Advisors: Dr. Maria Anderson and Professor Bindu Dulock.

National link:

Sigma Beta Delta

The purpose of Sigma Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among students of business, management and administration, and to encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.

To be eligible for membership, a business management student must rank in the upper 20 percent of the junior or senior class and be invited to membership by the faculty officers. Faculty officers operate the Sigma Beta Delta chapter for the mutual benefit of students. Farmingdale State College’s Business Management Bachelor of Science degree sponsors a chapter of Sigma Beta Delta.

Advisors: Dr. Mary Villani and Dr. Martin Lewison

National link:

Sigma Phi Alpha

Sigma Phi Alpha is a National Dental Hygiene Honor Society that promotes and recognizes scholarship, service, and leadership among students and graduates of dental hygiene educational programs. The local component chapter at Farmingdale State College is Alpha Mu. To be eligible for membership, students must rank within the top 10 percent of either the sophomore class for the Associate Degree, or the senior class for the Bachelor Degree. Membership in the society is offered by the faculty officers of the society.

President: Briana Limoncelli
Secretary/Treasurer: Carol McNamara

Beta Beta Beta

Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is a National Honor Society in Biology. Tri-Beta is dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. The Society strives to cultivate intellectual interest in the natural sciences and to promote a better appreciation of the value of biological study. The Farmingdale Chapter, Chi Delta Eta, was established in 2015. Chapter programs include guest speakers, reports of research by members and faculty, field trips, community service, and social gatherings. To be eligible for membership consideration, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 in Bioscience or a related discipline. For more information, please visit

Advisor: Dr. Eric Morgan

Office of the Provost

Horton Hall, Room 230


Dr. Laura Joseph
Senior Vice President and Provost


Dr. Christopher Malone
Associate Provost


Dr. Christopher LaBarbera
Assistant Provost


Christine Harrigan
Executive Assistant to the Provost


Holly Gordon
Admin. Assistant to the Provost


Loretta Costello
Admin. Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the Provost


Amanda Gist
Admin. Assistant to the Associate Provost and Assistant Provost

Last Modified 2/20/24