Students hanging out around the fountain at Bunche Plaza.

School of Business News

Feed Items

A Process of Transformation, Making an Impact on Society, and Advancing your Degree: How we’re Doing it with AACSB 

October 17, 2022

Business Management faculty at the FSC School of Business have started the fall semester eager to engage with their students, progress with their research projects, and fulfill their service commitments as always, but this year...

Feed Items

Front of building

Feed Items

Alumni Spotlight: Tripping and Falling on the way to Success

October 14, 2022

This article is not just going to be about success; it’s going to be about the journey. It’s going to be about reality. The road to your future probably more closely resembles Route 110 with all its potholes than it does a nicely paved walking trail

Daniel Hardwick

Feed Items

Will Your Post Graduate Job Make you Happy? Chances are it Will if you Intern as a Student.

October 11, 2022

Picture yourself at your future internship. What do you see? Maybe you see yourself learning the ins and outs of your dream career, or maybe you see yourself fetching coffee and trailing behind a boss who doesn’t even know your name.

School of Business

Feed Items

Cannabis: A Multimillion Dollar Business for the Growers, Distributors, and Investors

October 11, 2022

The cannabis industry is rapidly growing and is here at Farmingdale State College.

Cannabis Stock image

Feed Items

Rituales y Politica with Edel Rodriguez Comes to Memorial Gallery this Fall

October 11, 2022

This Fall, the Memorial Gallery welcomes internationally exhibited artist and illustrator Edel Rodriguez.

Edel FSC advert

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Scholarly Activities Publications, Presentations, and Creative Works

October 11, 2022

Scholarly Activities Publications, Presentations, and Creative Works from your faculty

Feed Items

Environmentalism: Farmingdale Cares- Awarded Research Grant to make a Difference 

October 11, 2022

Here at Farmingdale State College, we know how important environmental activism is to our students because it is just as important to us.

Side of School of Business building

Feed Items

Welcome New Faculty!

October 11, 2022

Meet your new School of Business faculty

Feed Items

Take it from me: Advice for Today’s College Student

October 11, 2022

A frequently overlooked resource on campus: your faculty and staff. We have been around for a while, a little longer than most of us like to admit, but because of this we have gained experience and knowledge...

Ken Tax and Lisa Lubrano
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Last Modified 4/2/24