RAVE & RAVE Guardian Safety App


The College has  partnered with RAVE, an emergency notification provider that delivers both text and email messages. Students, faculty and staff may sign up for this emergency notification service by going to www.getrave.com once there enter Farmingdale State College.  Use your Farmingdale user ID and password to sign in.  Please edit the information that appears for your account and include your cell phone number if you want to receive text notification.  If you do not enter your cell phone number, you will receive RAVE notifications via email only.

Rave Guardian

RAVE Guardian is frequently referred to as a "personal blue light phone" in your pocket. The system functions in two primary ways:

Panic Call Mode
With this feature, users can program the Guardian phone number into a designated speed dial, allowing a one touch call that will automatically notify University Police. If the user's phone utilizes smart technology and has GPS capability, the panic call will also indicate the caller's location on campus, thereby facilitating a faster response by police or other emergency responders. Basic information including a photograph and personal description will also appear, alerting University Police as to the identity of the person in need. This information is currently unavailable with the use of traditional blue light phones. The user will also have the option to add additional information to the database including their vehicle information, allergies, or other special considerations emergency responders should be aware of when responding.

Precautionary Timer Mode
With this feature users can set a time that coincides with the time they expect to travel from one location on campus to another. If the caller arrives safely and deactivates their timer, the University Police Department will never receive notification that a timer was ever set. If the user does not deactivate their timer they will receive a text message from the system three minutes prior to its expiration and a phone call one minute prior to its expiration to alert them to deactivate their timer. If the user does not reach their destination, or is otherwise detained, the timer will automatically trigger a panic call to University Police who will then be able to respond to their location. Users also have the option of adding a voice note that will be sent to University Police in the event their timer elapses.

In the event a user is forced to deactivate their Guardian timer, Guardian includes a false deactivation code which will automatically alert University Police. The false deactivation code is one number higher than your PIN. For example, if the user's PIN is 1234 the false deactivation code would be 1235. When the false deactivation code is entered the Guardian timer will appear to turn off normally but an alert will be sent to University Police.

The features of the Guardian system will significantly enhance the safety of all students, faculty and staff on campus. Although we strongly recommend enrolling in the RAVE Guardian system, its use and enrollment are strictly voluntary.

The Rave Guardian App – branded for each institution -- is available for free download at the Apple App Store for iOS devices, including the iPhone/iPad and Google Play for devices running the Android operating system.

Last Modified 1/24/24