International Baccalaureate (IB)

IB Course Required Score Farmingdale Equivalent Credits Granted
Arabic 4 ARA 234 3
Biology SL 4 BIO 120 4
Biology HL 3 BIO 120 4
  4 BIO 130 4
  5 BIO 130 & 131 8
  6 or 7 BIO 130, 131 & 223 12
Business Management 4 BUS 109 3
Chemistry No Credit    
Dance 4 HUM 1XX 3
Economics 4 ECO 156 & ECO 157 6
English Literature 1 HL or 2 HL 5 EGL 102 3
Env. and Soc in Eng 5 PHY 1XX 3
Film 4 ART 3XX 3
Foreign Language 4 Modern Language Level II 3
French 4 FRE 204 3
Global Politics 4 POL 262 3
History of the Americas 4 HIS 122 3
History Europe 4 HIS 115 3
Italian 4 ITA 224 3
Literature & Performance 4 EGL 1XX 3

Math Analysis & App SL & HL

4 MTH 129 4
Math App & Interpret SL & HL 4 MTH 129 4
Math Studies 4 MTH 103 3
Math SL 4 MTH 129 4
Music in English HL 4 MUS 1XX 3
Physics 5 PHY 135 & PHY 136 8
Psychology 5 PSY 101 3
Social Cultural Anthropology 4 ANT 110 3
Spanish 4 SPA 244 3
Sports & Exercise 4 PED 1XX 3
Theatre 4 THE 233 3
Visual Arts 5 Advisement from Visual Communications Dept. required  
Last Modified 5/24/24