OCCE Student Leadership Council
The newly launched Office of Community and Civic Engagement Student Leadership Advisory Council will be comprised of six students who can represent our FSC student body and provide innovative ways on how students can become more engaged on campus.
As part of the OCCE’s Student Leadership Council, the advisory group to the office, will get involved on engagement initiatives, develop and gain leadership experience to add to your résumé and hone their skills in social advocacy and strategic planning. You can also make your voice heard, represent your classmates, and inspire growth and change.
Applications must be submitted online. All application materials (personal statement and bio) must be received by December 5, 2022. Submit application materials to occe@farmingdale.edu
All students are welcome to apply.
Students selected for the program will be notified on December 15, 2022.
Submission Requirements:
- Include name, year, and major
- personal statement of why you want to the join the council and what you hope to accomplish
- resume/bio
Students who are selected to join OCCE Student Leadership Council may be eligible to earn credit hours toward the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement and/or the FSC CIVIC ENGAGEMENT MICRO-CREDENTIAL: This activity is eligible to count towards the FSC Civic Engagement Micro-Credential. A micro-credential is a special distinction awarded to students by the college that validates the achievement of specific skills, including industry-specific and highly sought-after competencies. By achieving this distinction, students will be able to market themselves to employers as educated, engaged citizens who are prepared to contribute to the public good. For more information about how to earn this micro-credential, see: Community Engagement Microcredential
Office of Community & Civic Engagement
Greenley Library, Room 123B
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm