Farmingdale State College (FSC) has earned a STARS Silver rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the only college on Long Island to achieve that ranking. 

“Attaining silver status through the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education is a real achievement,” said John S. Nader, PhD, President of Farmingdale State College. “Farmingdale is the first college in our region to achieve this designation and one of only eight other colleges in New York. As important, the data submitted to AASHE will help us formulate a sustainability master plan that will position our campus to be recognized as a leader in sustainable practices.” 

Colleges use the AASHE self-reporting tool to track, manage, and share information about their sustainability efforts and initiatives. Evaluation participants report sustainability achievements in the areas of academics, engagement, operations, planning and administration, innovation and leadership, and employee satisfaction, according to AASHE. The rating is good for three years, at which time FSC will apply for renewal with updated data. 

The ranking also is the primary metric the Princeton Review uses in selecting schools for its annual Guide to Green Colleges report, and inclusion would boost FSC’s sustainability cachet.  

“Achieving this rating helps us benchmark where we currently stand with sustainability and where we need improvement going forward,” said FSC Sustainability Manager Maia Roseval. “The data will help formulate the Master Sustainability Plan our campus Sustainability Committee expects to develop over the next year or so.”