“A Welcoming Matter”
I labored over this welcome message to convey the true essence of diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence at Farmingdale State College. How do I welcome and introduce to new and returning students the important work of diversity? Do I start with defining each of the words, the vision and mission of the office, or do I make it generic; devoid of sincerity and affect? Do I not send one? Many choices!
I reflected on one of the prominent lessons the pandemic taught all of us. Amid isolation, hopes, dreams, and fears cloaked in vulnerability, we were forced to examine what matters during our finite journey through life. As a nation, we discovered that our need for belonging matters – respect for, connection with, and inclusion of the shadowed lives who are victims of the crisis. The challenge is not simply where do we begin, but most importantly with whom?
As you start the academic year at FSC, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence focuses on what matters most. In addition to preparing you be a successful career practitioner, your FSC education encourages you to navigate through an ocean of “what matters,” a task more daunting than the crafting of this welcome. The last two years have chosen to you be the recipient of so much “unfinished learning” that needs to be learned! This charge demands two attributes that we believe you will master from your campus experiences: adaptability and agility, which also are two salient characteristics part and parcel to successful diversity work.
Farmingdale State College is here to assist you. We have not all the answers, but what we do have is a focus on what matters. YOU matter! We are a diverse community who believes that your story matters, your hopes, and dreams matter. Even your fears matter. All that you are matters! We are present to partner with you as you strive to become all that you are capable of being.
RAMS, welcome to the fall semester where YOU matter. GO FORTH and change the world, or at least brighten the space your personhood occupies. In closing, I extend a personal invitation to visit the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence where the door swings open to what matters – YOU and your story!
May you face the triumphs and challenges of this year and all your tomorrows with an open mind and embracing heart!
Respectfully yours,
Kevin D. Jordan, EdD
Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence and CDO