Library of Congress Classification System (LC)
This Library, along with most other academic libraries, uses the Library of Congress (or L.C.) classification system, which arranges books by subject. In many cases, books about similar subjects should be grouped together in the same location.
To help you decide which general area to look in, check out the L.C. Classification System Outline which appears below. If you have trouble finding your book on the shelf even if you know the call number, you should ask a librarian for help.
A | General Works (Includes encyclopedias, almanacs, directories, newsletters) |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, Religion (Includes philosophy, applied psychology, ethics, etiquette, comparative religion, and theology) |
C | Archaeology, Genealogy, Biography (Includes history of civilization, archives, calendars, numismatics, heraldry) |
D | History & Ancient History (Includes world history and history of Western Civilization) |
E-F | History of America (Includes Pre-Columbian history, United States history, regional and local history, history of Canada) |
G | Anthropology, Geography, Folklore (Includes geography, exploration, maps, globes, atlases, cartography, oceanography, environmental sciences, human ecology, customs, recreation and leisure) |
H | Social Sciences, Statistics, Business (Includes statistical methods, demography, economic theory, management, industry and manufacturing, organizational behavior, labor, agriculture, transportation and commerce, finance, marriage and the family, social pathology, social history, communities, criminal justice administration) |
J | Political Science (Includes theory of government, political institutions and public administration of U.S. and other countries, legislative and executive papers of the U.S., local and municipal government, colonization, international relations) |
JS | Local Government (towns, cities, municipalities) |
K | Law (Includes philosophy and theory of law, U.K. and Canadian law, United States Federal and State law, international law, law of the sea, international disputes, peace agreements, international security forces) |
L | Education (Includes directories of educational institutions, history of education, theory & practice of education) |
M | Music (Includes instrumental and vocal music, dance and popular music, philosophy of music, music theory, composition, and history, composers and musicians) |
N | Fine Arts (Includes art history and criticism, museums, exhibitions, architecture, drawing, painting, print media, art patronage, sculpture, decorative and applied arts) |
P | Languages & Literature (Includes philology and linguistic theory, grammar, language dictionaries, literary theory and criticism, world literature, British and American literature) |
PN | General and Comparative Literature |
PR | English Literature |
PS | American Literature |
Q | Science (Includes mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, microbiology, botany, zoology, human anatomy & physiology) |
QA | Mathematics & Computing Science |
QC | Physics |
QD | Chemistry |
R | Medicine (Includes history of medicine, medical directories, public aspects of medicine, medical education, medical technology, biomedical engineering, various fields of medicine incl. nursing and dentistry, homeopathy, pharmaceutical sciences) |
S | Agriculture (Includes agricultural history and theory, horticulture, forestry, animal culture, veterinary medicine, aquaculture and fisheries, soil science, plant culture, landscaping) |
T | Technology (Includes industrial directories, engineering, manufacturing engineering, motor vehicles, mining, chemical technology, photography, arts & crafts, home economics incl. nutrition) |
U | Military Science (Includes military history, administration, maintenance, transportation, artillery, and military engineering) |
V | Naval Science (Includes naval history, tactics, administration, navies and seamen, navigation, naval architecture and shipbuilding) |
Z | Bibliography & Library Science (Includes history of books, bookmaking, and writing; the book trade, publishers' directories, library science & education, library directories) |
Remember, you can always ask a Librarian for help at any time.
Thomas D. Greenley Library
Greenley Library
Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184
Mon-Thurs | 7:45am - 11:00pm |
Friday | 7:45am - 5:00pm |
Saturday | 9:00am - 5:00pm |
Sunday | 1:00pm - 9:00pm |