Discounts & Perks

discounts and perks

Barnes & Noble Campus Bookstore

Located in the Campus Center, The Bookstore offers a wide selection of items to allow you to show your Farmingdale State College pride! Faculty & staff receive 10% off Monday - Thursday and 20% off on Friday.

(Must show valid Farmingdale ID card)

Future Stars Summer Camp at FSC

Future Stars offers an impressive catalog of 30+ unique programs, ranging from Early Childhood (grades K-2) to Sports, Specialty, and STEAM Education (Grades 3-10). Discounts available to Farmingdale State College employees.

View More Information on program or contact: 631-769-2267 /

Microsoft Office 365

Active faculty and staff of Farmingdale State College have access to Microsoft Office 365. Users can access emails, contacts, calendar and other office apps like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote over the internet. You may register up to 5 devices for local personal use of the Office 365's suite of applications.

Perks at Work

This program provides various discounts and perks to SUNY employees, ranging from retail discounts to savings on travel and entertainment. Click on the link below to begin saving!

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Solar Carport

The FSC Solar Carport, which is located in parking lot 5, has ten electric vehicle charging stations (GE Durastations). Each of the EV Charging Stations can provide power to two parked vehicles simultaneously (PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Vehicle)/EV). The GE Durastation software system enables access to the charging stations through RFID (radio frequency identification cards.

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Staff Parking

Parking permit is FREE for all active faculty & staff members. Employees will receive a parking permit from University Police after the completion of their I-9.

The Children’s Center

Enroll your child at the Children’s Center and receive an employee discount.  Facilities are on the same grounds as Farmingdale State College!

For more information or to schedule a visit, please call 934-420-2125 or email

Human Resources

Whitman Hall, Room 260

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:45pm
Summer Hours 8:30am-4:30pm

For Benefits questions/information, email

For Payroll questions, email

For Student Payroll questions, email

Last Modified 6/10/24