Business Management

Martin Lewison

Associate Professor 10 Months Email School of Business, Room 310


  • Ph.D., Katz Graduate School of Business (Strategy, Environment, & Organizations), University of Pittsburgh, 2001
  • A.B., Economics, Columbia University, 1988


  • Barry M. Mitnick and Martin Lewison, Fences Outside Fences: The Uses of Heroic Marginality in Ethical Behavior, Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 21 2019, 103-156.
  • Garrison H. Song and Martin Lewison, Is It a Curse or Blessing for a Distressed Public Company to Go Private Voluntarily?, Journal of Accounting and Finance, 18(10) 2018, 127-143.
  • Martin Lewison, Demand-based pricing in the US theme park industry, International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 5(3) 2017, 271-293.
  • Martin Lewison, The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say About Baseball: How George Carlin Explains The Relative Absence of Fan Violence in American Spectator Sports. in , : (2015), 93-109.


  • Martin Lewison, “A Mind-Boggling Missing Link: The New York Experience and The Evolution of Film-Based Show Attractions.” Presentation to the Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida on November 19, 2021.
  • Martin Lewison, “When Law Enforcement Interferes with Patients' Rights and Health Care Professionals' Agency: A Strategic Management Approach.” Presentation to the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 13th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, Jerusalem, Israel on November 28, 2017.
  • Martin Lewison, “Static to Dynamic: The Evolution of Theme Park Pricing.” Paper presented to the 4th International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism Management, Bangkok, Thailand on May 27, 2016.
  • Martin Lewison, “"The Companies Costumers”: Garner’s Modern American Usage and a Grammar Snoot’s Struggle for Better Student Writing.” Seminar presented to Writing in the Disciplines Committee Seminar, Gleeson Hall on April 11, 2016.

Awards & Honors

  • Best Session Presentation, Tourism Industry, 4th International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism Management, Bangkok, Thailand., 2016.
  • Emerald 2020 Literati Award: Outstanding Author Contribution for Barry M. Mitnick and Martin Lewison, Fences Outside Fences: The Uses of Heroic Marginality in Ethical Behavior, Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 21 2019, 103-156., 2020.
Last Modified 2/2/22