Image of President Presant in Lab.

It's a Shell-of-a-Problem

The Asian Clam Conundrum

All members of the campus community are invited to attend a research presentation by President Prezant on one of his various studies, this one on the pesky Asian clam Corbicula fluminea, a nightmare of a mollusk. This nonindigenous and rapidly dispersing invasive bivalve has a bag-full of tricks for dominating our freshwater systems and even shutting down power plants. Still, we have much to learn from this shelled denizen of our freshwaters that may help us better understand climate change.  

A marine biologist, President Prezant has more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals, many co-authored by students. His research has focused on environmental modification of shell microstructure, molluscan reproductive ecology, impact of microplastics on filter feeding mollusks, and bivalve dispersal mechanisms. Dr. Prezant has generated more than $20 million in external support for research and program development. He has taught courses in ecosystems and environmental concerns, marine biology, marine ecology, invertebrate zoology, malacology, electron microscopy, and oceanography. Learn more about Dr. Prezant’s background here.


October 17, 2024
11:00 AM

Gleeson Hall, 102

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Last Modified 10/15/24