Disability Awareness Event: Guide Dog Foundation & America's VetDogs Presentation

The Guide Dog Foundation and America's VetDogs will be giving a short presentation and then will be open to questions from the Campus community.

logo for Guide Dog Foundation and America's VetDogs

Representing the Guide Dog foundation will be Carolyn Giambalvo who has her own service dog, Alice, and Puppy Trainer, Lauren.

The purpose of this event is to bring awareness to the college campus about service dog etiquette. They also provide information on service/guide dog etiquette and information about the Guide Dog Foundation and America's VetDogs.

We will also have additional information/flyers about "if a service dog is right for you".

April 15, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Virtual Event

Thank you to all of our attendees, we look forward to seeing you at future events.

Last Modified 3/19/21