Sustainable Energy Certificate

The Sustainable Energy Certificate has been designed to respond to the rapidly expanding need for skilled professionals in sustainable energy-related occupations. The certificate provides fundamental information about emerging sustainable energy systems, including solar photovoltaics (solar PV), wind energy technologies, energy storage systems, and geothermal systems. The certificate offers learners a credential in preparation for entry-level support positions in sustainable energy or to supplement experience gained in traditional energy sectors. Graduates will possess expertise in determining the benefits of integrating the sustainable energy fields associated with the certificate program into the existing energy production infrastructure. The graduates will also gain competency in evaluating the impact of energy policies in the specific sustainable energy field as well as serving in public-facing roles to improve awareness and acceptance of emerging sustainable energy sources. Graduates will be able to describe the environmental impacts associated with sustainable energy sources.

Typical Employment Outcomes:

  • Public utility companies
  • Alternative energy companies such as solar power or geothermal distributors
  • Governmental enterprises such as cities and towns
  • Public advocacy groups supporting sustainable energy

Certificate Program Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the coursework, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of solar, wind and geothermal energy sources and the integration of energy storage systems as a sustainable energy solution.
  • Provide arguments in connection with advantages, disadvantages, as well as societal, economic and environmental considerations in relation to sustainable energy solutions.
  • Evaluate the impact of specific energy policies as well as environmental policies in solar energy, wind technology, geothermal systems and energy storage applications.
  • Advocate for the implementation of sustainable energy applications including solar and wind installations.
  • Explain the methods of extracting geothermal energy to promote utility energy efficiency and electrification actions.
  • Assess funding opportunities along with other incentives associated with sustainable energy solutions.

*Gainful Employment Mandatory Disclosure Statement

Admission to Farmingdale State College - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information


Dr. Adam Filios
Lupton Hall, Room 246
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

ENV 101 Energy Sustainability and Environment 3
MTH 110 Statistics (or higher) 3
ENV 302 Wind Technology 3
ENV 303 Energy Storage and Electric Drive Vehicles 3
ENV 304 Geothermal Systems 3
ENV 306 Solar Energy 3

Curriculum Summary

Total Required Credits: 18

ENV 101 Energy Sustainability and Environment

This is an introductory course to create and enhance the critical awareness of the student regarding various forms of energy, sustainability issues and the impact on the environment through unbridled use of energy in the present day context. A scientific and technological approach is used to discuss various topics. The knowledge base of this course is derived from certain natural sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Eco-Science. The main topics of discussion are: Forms of energy, energy conservation, impact on the environment by the use of energy, forms of renewable energy and sustainability issues. The critical policy issues related to energy are also discussed. The course prepares the student to be a fully aware citizen on energy issues facing the community and the world.

MTH 110 Statistics

Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

ENV 302 Wind Energy

This course provides an overview of sustainable systems of wind renewable energy. Topics include the assessment of wind resources, wind site assessments, identifying and evaluating factors affecting wind energy development, the basic principles of wind turbines, and the environmental impact of assessment processes for wind developments. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 or higher

ENV 303 Energy Storage and EV

Primary energy consumption in the U.S. consists largely of fossil fuel-based sources. Only a small portion of the energy consumed is from renewable sources. Energy storage systems (ESS) have the potential to significantly increase the renewable energy portion of primary energy consumption by overcoming the inherent intermittency and instability of wind and solar. Students will analyze various storage solutions including batteries, superconductor magnetic energy storage systems, flywheels, ultracapacitors, pumped storage power plants, compressed air systems and hydrogen storage from a non-technical perspective. Storage systems will be compared for their feasibility in integrating with the power grid. The applications of energy storage in alternative fuel vehicles, specifically in electric drive vehicles (EV) will also be evaluated. Students will discuss the advantages and disadvantages as well as the environmental impact of existing battery technologies. Policies and incentives related to ESS and EV will also be included in this course. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 or higher

ENV 304 Geothermal Systems

Geothermal energy systems provide heating and cooling by using the relatively constant temperature of the ground. Sustainable and efficient, geothermal systems are crucial in moving toward a fully electrified heating and cooling solution. In this course, students will analyze systems that utilize ground energy and heat pumps to form a ground-source heat pump (GSHP). The elements and components of the GSHP will be discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of system. Selected topics include materials and methods involved in the design and selection of the GSHP, methods of extracting ground energy, thermal properties of soil and rock, borehole drilling and grouting, piping materials and flow characteristics, sales and marketing, policies and standards, funding opportunities and other incentives of the GSHP. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 or higher

ENV 306 Solar Energy

Solar energy and, in particular, photovoltaics (PV) hold promise for an abundant, clean, renewable energy source to address the ever-increasing demands of modern society. This course uses a qualitative approach to provide students with fundamental knowledge in the field, and the necessary skills to communicate with technical experts. Topics covered include solar radiation characteristics, how sunlight is converted to electricity in a solar cell, aspects in PV system design, solar thermal systems, societal impact, policy issues, and economic considerations. This theory course is augmented by hands-on activities, demonstrations, simulations, and simple experiments using photovoltaic solar cells. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 or higher