Dental Hygiene Completion - online

Bachelor of Science Degree

The Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Dental Hygiene is designed to meet the transfer and continuing education needs of Associate in Applied Science Degree or Associate in Science Degree graduates in Dental Hygiene. This program will offer students a foundation of knowledge that will prepare them for the emerging roles within the dental hygiene profession. Emphasis is placed on broadening the career paths for practicing hygienists. Foundation courses are in the areas of teaching, research and public health. As part of the capstone practicum course, students are given the opportunity to further explore a specific area of interest through an internship. Based on personal interest, students may partner with corporations, hospitals, public health programs/facilities or educational institutions.

As the dental hygiene profession continues to expand many career opportunities require advanced degrees. This degree completion program in dental hygiene is tailored to provide comprehensive upper-level studies that will prepare dental hygienists to adapt to the emerging new roles in oral healthcare.

Please refer to the Safety and Technical Standards in the front section of the College catalog.

Typical Employment Opportunities

Clinical Research
Dental Hygiene Education
Dental Insurance Companies
Geriatric Facilities, Case Management
Patient Advocacy
Pharmaceutical Corporations, Sales and Management
Pharmaceutical Corporations, Research and Development
Public Health Agencies

Dental Hygiene (BS Degree Completion) Program Outcomes:

  • The dental hygiene graduate will be able to utilize professional judgment and critical thinking skills to determine the treatment needs of geriatric and special needs patients.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will appreciate the role of leadership, management, and technology as it applies to dental hygiene practice.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will develop the skills necessary to analyze and apply scientific literature in the dental hygiene process of care.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will be able to develop a comprehensive community based oral health care program.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will demonstrate an understanding of the learning process, various teaching methodologies and evaluation techniques as they apply to the dental hygiene educator.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will be empowered to seek employment opportunities other than traditional clinical practice.
  • The dental hygiene graduate will seek educational advancement for continued growth and development following commencement.

Special Opportunities

As a student in the Dental Hygiene Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Program in dental hygiene, you are required to participate in the Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA) which promotes student leadership through community outreach, lunch and learn programs, and various campus activities.

To facilitate transfer into graduate level programs, the Dental Hygiene Department has established seamless transfer agreements with Stony Brook University, School of Health Technology and Management for a Master of Science in Health Care Policy and Management, and University of Bridgeport, Fones School of Dental Hygiene for a Master of Science in Dental Hygiene.

Admission to Farmingdale State College - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information

Dental Hygiene

Dr. Susan Vogell
Gleeson Hall, Room 244
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

Liberal Arts and Sciences (39 credits)
The Arts (GE) 3
MTH 110 Statistics (GE) 3
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness(GE) 3
BIO 240 Bioethics 3
World Languages – Level II (GE) 3
Humanities (GE)* 3
Free Elective 3
Liberal Arts & Science Electives* 18

* 200 level or above recommended

Compare the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses you have successfully completed in your associate degree program to confirm general education requirements that you have met.

College and Program Requirement
Grade of C or higher in EGL 102 is a graduation requirement.
EGL 102 is to be completed in the first semester as a program requirement.
EGL 102 Composition Literature 3
Required: Dental Hygiene (22 credits)
DEN 303 Practice Management for Quality Assurance 3
DEN 309 Oral Epidemiology in Public Health 3
DEN 310 Teaching Strategies for Health Care Educators 3
DEN 401W Health Science Research: Principles and Methods 3
DEN 402 Gerontology 3
DEN 406W Proposals and Grant Management for Health Programs 3
DEN 407 Dental Hygiene Practicum Seminar 1
DEN 409 Dental Hygiene Practicum 3
Total Credits: 64

Note: Students must take at least one 3 credit hour course designated as Writing Intensive to graduate.

Curriculum Summary

Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 64

All courses with a DEN prefix must be completed in residence at Farmingdale State College

Please refer to the General Education, Applied Learning, and Writing Intensive requirement sections of the College Catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure that graduation requirements are satisfied.

As a part of the SUNY General Education Framework, all first-time full time Freshman at Farmingdale State College (FSC) beginning Fall 2023, are required to develop knowledge and skills in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ). Students will be able to fulfill this requirement at FSC by taking a specially designated DEISJ course that has been developed by faculty and approved by the DEISJ Review Board. DEISJ-approved courses may meet other General Education Knowledge and Skills areas and/or core competencies and thus be dually designated. DEISJ-approved courses may also earn other special designations such as those for Applied Learning or Writing Intensive.

Dental Hygiene Admission Requirements
Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene from an ADA Accredited Program; Licensure as a Dental Hygienist; GPA to be considered

MTH 110 Statistics

Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

BIO 240 Bioethics

This course will cover ethical issues raised as a result of modern advances in biotechnology which directly affect the quality of human life. Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care: medical, moral, political, religious, legal and financial. It scrutinizes outmoded laws and deals with the enormous growth in available medical services. It takes into account our views of ourselves as members of a humane society. Note: This course is also offered as a writing intensive course at the discretion of the department. Students cannot get credit for BIO 240 and BIO 240W. Prerequisite(s): One course of college biology with a C- or higher; for the writing intensive version, EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher is also required.

EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature

This is the second part of the required introductory English composition sequence. This course builds on writing skills developed in EGL 101, specifically the ability to write analytical and persuasive essays and to use research materials correctly and effectively. Students read selections from different literary genres (poetry, drama, and narrative fiction). Selections from the literature provide the basis for analytical and critical essays that explore the ways writers use works of the imagination to explore human experience. Grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101

DEN 303 Practice Management for Quality Assurance

This course will involve students with concerns related to practice management. Emphasis will be placed on assuring quality care while focusing on the principles and concepts of a client-centered practice environment in our evolving health delivery system. Economics for the practice, office management, comprehensive care plans, and the use of new technology will be explored to support the practice goals. Fall Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene or Associate in Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene

DEN 309 Oral Epidemiology in Public Health

Oral epidemiology in public health will explore the distribution and determinants of oral health-related conditions such as dental caries, periodontal disease, and oral cancer in specified populations. An in depth view on the uses of epidemiology, as it relates to the health of the public, will enable the student to document oral health needs, evaluate existing oral health programs and interventions. Students will be introduced to the role of oral epidemiology in controlling oral health problems in the community. Fall. Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene or Associate in Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene

DEN 310 Teaching Strategies for Health Care Educators

The Principles of education, teaching, methodology, and instructional design utilized by health care educators in schools, community outreach, hospitals, other skilled nursing facilities, and/or higher education institutions are covered in this course. Topics include performance objectives, competencies, lesson planning, syllabi construction, analysis, and formative evaluation of instruction; traditional and non-traditional teaching methodologies; academic course development; current issues in dental health and dental hygiene education. Spring Prerequisite(s): DEN 220 or Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene.

DEN 401W Health Science Research: Principles and Methods (Writing Intensive)

A profession seeking to enhance its professional stature strives for the continual development of a scientific body of knowledge fundamental to its practice. Dental hygiene research involves a systematic search for knowledge about issues of importance to the dental hygiene profession. This course is designed to develop skills in scientific research. Emphasis is placed on the research process which includes problem identification, hypothesis writing, research design data collection, and data analysis and data interpretation. This is a writing-intensive course. Fall Note: DEN 401W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): (Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene and MTH 110) or (EGL101 with a C or higher and DEN 220 and DEN 322)

DEN 402 Gerontology

Gerontology is the study of aging. This course is designed to promote an understanding of the social, psychological, and biological aspects of the aging process and the relationship to health. The course will examine current theories of aging, demographic profiles of the older adult population, and the increased incidence of oral health problems as we age. Close examination of the aging process will enable the student to gain insight into the fastest growing portion of our population and recognize the needs of the elderly and the concerns of the 77 million baby boomers coming of age. Spring Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene or DEN 230 with a grade of C or higher

DEN 406W Proposals and Grant Management for Health Programs (Writing Intensive)

This course will introduce the student to the fundamentals of proposal writing and researching grant funding sources. Students will demonstrate the preparation of supporting documentation of need, implementation, evaluation, and budgeting. The culminating project of the course will be assembling the segments of a program proposal or grant application into a final document that is worthy of submission. This is a writing-intensive course. Spring Note: DEN 406W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene and EGL 101 with a C or higher and DEN 309 or DEN 322

DEN 407 Dental Hygiene Practicum Seminar

This course is designed as a pre-requisite to DEN 409 Dental Hygiene Practicum. Students will have the opportunity to research and explore areas of special interest for their field placement practicum experience. Fall Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene or Associate in Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene. Completion of at least 4 of the core DEN courses, or permission of the Department.

DEN 409 Dental Hygiene Practicum *AL

This course provides a foundational experience and will involve students in a 40-hour self-directed practicum that is multidimensional in its scope. The specialized areas of interest are expanded to include, but are not limited to, education, research, corporate/business, health care delivery systems, and specialized practice interests. Spring. Prerequisite(s): Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene and DEN 407, with a minimum grade of C or higher.