MET415 Robotics
Students will be introduced to robotics from both a theoretical and practical aspect. Different types of robots and their applications in industry will be covered. Financial management and return on investment of the robotics applications will be discussed. Additional topics included are motion transmission and control of robot mechanisms, robot programming, the use of robots in an integrated manufacturing cell, and practical uses of the robot vision system. Hands-on experience on actual working robots and the application of the theory will be provided in the laboratory. Prerequisite: MET 307 Corequisite(s): MET 415L Credits: 3 (2,2)
Topics covered:
- Introduction of robotics applications in industry and different type of robots
- Sensors and Work Envelop
- Return Of Investment (ROI) for robots processes
- Linear algebra review & Coordinate system transformation basics
- Total transformation of multi-link robots
- Calibration and error Measurements
- Calculus review and Link/Arm velocity & acceleration
- Dynamics review
- Evaluation of the gripping force for no slippage due to inertia
- Basic of programming for logic problem solutions (flowcharts)
- Robot programming: Motion planning, Object measurement and Speed control
- Advanced robot programming: Sorting algorithm and Peripheral device control