Jobs & Internships at FSC - CareerConnect

Jobs & FSC CareerConnect

CareerConnect is a web-based platform for accessing:
• Full-time jobs for upcoming graduates and alumni
• Part-time jobs
• Paid and unpaid internships for students
• Career exploration tools

Use CareerConnect to:
• Schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor in the Nexus Center;
• Review job postings and apply to positions by uploading your resume, cover letter and other documents for employers to view;
• Explore career options with Career Explorer and Career Finder resources.

Ready to get started? Visit FSC CareerConnect and register for a new account. Once your registration has been approved, you will receive an email confirming your username. You will be given a link to set your CareerConnect password. NOTE: This link will expire in 24 hours, after which time you can click on the link to be redirected to a page where you can request a new password link.

Internships & AXIOM Mentor

Axiom is a database used to promote internships and other Applied Learning opportunities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many activities on campus may involve applied learning. However, only activities that have been formally approved by the Applied Learning Review Board at FSC will satisfy the graduation requirement. Courses and Co-curricular Activities must be designated as "Applied Learning" to satisfy the graduation requirement. Students should confirm the formal applied learning designation prior to participating for graduation credit

• Students may search Axiom by their program's department to view and apply to opportunities. Opportunities listed in your specific department on Axiom are approved for internship credit and will count towards the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement if completed for academic credit.

• View and apply to approved Co-curricular Activities and Nexus Center Experiences in the "Applied Learning Co-curricular Activities" unit. These non-credit activities will count towards the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.

• In addition, all students may view specialized opportunities posted in Axiom under the Nexus Center for Applied Learning and Career Development. These opportunities offer excellent practical experience, including paid jobs, but do not count towards the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.

To log-in to Axiom, visit:

Nexus Center Funding Application for Unpaid Credit-Bearing Internships in SPRING 2025


Questions? Email us at  

Nexus Center

Greenley Hall

Last Modified 1/17/25